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Dr. Terrence Blackman’s Vision for a United Guyanese Future; Beyond Tribes: Building a United Guyanese Future,

East Orange, NJ— Celebrating Guyana’s 58th year of independence, Dr. Terrence Blackman, a distinguished Math Professor at Medgar Evers College and Founder of the Guyana Business Journal, delivered a timely address at the Guyanese American Heritage Foundation’s Independence Anniversary Flag Raising Event. His speech, titled “Beyond Tribes: Building a United Guyanese Future,” resonated deeply with attendees, emphasizing the importance of unity and collective progress for Guyana.

The Peril of Tribalism
Dr. Blackman began by highlighting the dangers of tribalism, drawing on social scientist Susan Fowler’s “red dot” metaphor. He explained that an excessive focus on tribal identities—whether racial, political, or religious—can fracture the larger community and impede national progress. “To thrive, nations need to fulfill three fundamental needs: choice, connection, and competence,” he stated. While acknowledging that tribes provide a sense of belonging, he warned that they can also limit potential and emphasized the need to transcend these divisions for a prosperous future.

Embracing Guyana’s Oil Wealth
Dr. Blackman underscored Guyana’s pivotal moment in history with its burgeoning oil industry and the significant revenues expected by year-end. He called for open, independent discussions on managing these resources effectively for the national benefit and long-term development. He posed two critical questions: “How can Guyana’s energy resources best improve the lives and future of the nation and the Caribbean region?” and “How do we efficiently channel oil revenues into public services, infrastructure, and education, avoiding the pitfalls of resource-cursed nations?”

Engaging the Whole Guyanese Tribe
Dr. Blackman stressed that these discussions must extend beyond political affiliations, requiring bold ideas and inclusive engagement from all Guyanese. He urged leaders to inspire cooperation without resorting to fear-mongering, advocating for a unified “Guyanese tribe” focused on national success. “Our leaders must be challenged to offer genuine ‘tribal choice’ – inspiring cooperation without fear-mongering,” he asserted.

Leadership for Unity: Respect over Fear
Quoting political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, Dr. Blackman acknowledged the historical preference for fear over love in leadership. However, he highlighted çağdaş research that confirms respect trumps fear. “To earn the respect of all Guyanese, our leaders must prioritize fostering unity over division,” he said, calling for leaders who move away from “us versus them” narratives and institutions that incentivize collaboration across tribal lines.

Beyond Identity, Towards Unity
Dr. Blackman advocated for transcending tribal boundaries to form true connections, citing Malaysia and Singapore as models for integrating ethnicities into governance structures. He envisioned a united, multiracial, and multiethnic “Guyanese tribe” as the anchor for a stable and prosperous nation. “Decisions on education, housing, and political priorities must prioritize competence and national progress, not narrow tribal interests,” he emphasized.

Envisioning the Sovereign Wealth Fund Together
Dr. Blackman painted a picture of the “whole Guyanese tribe” engaged in discussions surrounding the Sovereign Wealth Fund, highlighting the importance of inclusivity in navigating the political landscape and maximizing resources. “Imagine the ‘whole Guyanese tribe’ engaged in critical discussions surrounding the Sovereign Wealth Fund. This inclusivity is essential,” he stated.

A United Future
Concluding his remarks, Dr. Blackman called for a commitment to move beyond tribal divisions and embrace a future where every Guyanese can thrive. “Together, we can build a united and prosperous Guyana for generations to come,” he proclaimed.

As Guyanese worldwide celebrate this significant milestone, Dr. Blackman’s call for unity and collective progress serves as a powerful reminder of the work needed to achieve a brighter future for all.

Special thanks were extended to Ladyira Lewis and her team for organizing the event.