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Despite his Attacks on Black Women and his “Hungry Belly” name calling, “Critic” Still has Advertisers

Dear Editor,

Last week, I stumbled upon the Facebook page of the “Guyanese Critic,” and to my surprise, it was filled with business ads, some from otherwise reputable companies like Kissoon’s Furniture and Puran Bros Inc .

Editor, I can’t help but notice that the Village Voice does not seem to receive similar advertising support. While I am unsure if this is due to your editorial position of maintaining honest, hard-hitting, and unbiased reporting, I find it shocking that members of the private sector believe it is a good decision to support ‘Critics.’

Apparently, for these advertisers, Critic’s often denigration of Afro-Guyanese women and his generally vile approach to media communications is acceptable. Afro-Guyanese must hisse attention and be more discriminating with whom they support.


Robert Peters

Critics Advertisers (partial list)
Blue Spring Water
Silvie’s Industrial Solutions
Royal Jewel House
SGS Procurement Services & 4X4 Autoparts
Kissoon’s Furniture
Puran Bros Inc.
Ganesh Parts & General Store