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Despicable and totally unacceptable

Dear Editor,

The National Mine Workers Union of Guyana is in a solidarity move with our country’s educators (teachers) wishes to condemn in the highest form of condemnation the total disregard and disrespect shown to our teachers of Guyana by the People’s Progressive Party 32nd congress over the weekend.

The governing party that evvel pride itself with supporting the working class which includes the teachers seems to be singing from a different hymn book.

To mock our nation educators during a skit acted out during the party Congress by party members in full view of its leaders is an endorsement of the highest level of disrespect by a party and government in our country’s history.

As president of the national mine workers union of Guyana I urged the People’s Progressive Party and government to make a public apology to the teachers of Guyana.

All right-thinking Guyanese, trade unions, religious organisations, private sector commission, civic society is urged to join in this condemnation without reservations.

The leaders in people’s progressive party must be ungrateful and forget that the party foundation was built with the support of the working class which includes the teachers.

Sadly, today the actions of Party can only be described as a clear deviation from the true reality of how it was built.

Yours truly,

President. National Mine Workers Union of Guyana.

Sherwyn Delano Downer.

Former People’s Progressive Party member and youth arm chairman

Progressive youth organization (PYO)