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Demerara Distillers’ Milk Fiasco; Guyana’s Private Sector Must Invest More in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Dear Editor,

Two days ago, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) held an emergency press conference regarding the rejection of its milk products by Trinidadian authorities. They’ve sought intervention from the Guyanese government and CARICOM, citing a threat to regional trade.

The DDL situation has predictably drawn out the usual chorus of naysayers and self-proclaimed nationalists baying for Trinidadian blood. While Trinidad’s past treatment of Guyanese travelers hasn’t been exemplary, Haitians can certainly attest to experiencing worse in Guyana.

However, the DDL issue raises a crucial point about the Guyanese private sector. These businesses often seem content with minimal investment in their core supporters – the Guyanese people. While these companies relr on a sense of national pride to garner vocal support during challenges, they remain largely silent throughout the year, offering minimal or inconsequential sponsorships or community support.

Guyana’s giants – Banks DIH, DDL, Beharry, GTM, Roraima, John Fernandes LTD, Correia Mining Company, and others – could be doing far more. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) appears to be an afterthought for many of these leaders, not a vital investment in their customer base, the Guyanese citizenry. Sponsorships have the power to inspire young people, shaping them into responsible citizens and productive workers. In essence, CSR is an investment in the future.

Thankfully, a statement released last night by the Trinidad and Tobago Trade Minister clarified that the importer, not the authorities, made the decision to return the milk due to lacking the necessary import documentation.

The message is clear, If DDL and other conglomerates expect unwavering Guyanese support during difficulties, they must move away from political influence and small thinking and prioritize investing meaningfully in Guyanese youth across all communities. Meaningful contributions are essential.

James Peters