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The Opposition had warned when the PPP government refused to investigate Second Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo after it was alleged that he was involved in bribery and corruption in the Vice News documentary, that the government was opening avenues for corruption to proliferate in the Guyanese society, especially the Guyana Police Force.

The recent revelations of corruption at the highest level of the Guyana Police Force and in the Ministry of Home Affairs are the most recent manifestation of what happens when at the highest level of government you participate in and condone corruption.

Even while there are these blatant acts of corruption at home, Ministers and other senior government officials are routinely being hauled in and questioned by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies of foreign governments and their visas being revoked. This does not augur well for the image of Guyana. In fact, Guyana is now being seen as the bastion of corruption and lawlessness in the Caribbean.

The time is nigh when corrupt officials must be removed, the Police Force depoliticized and returned to being a professional law enforcement agency rather than a Centre for corruption, illegalities and lawlessness.

The Police Force cannot rid itself of corruption and lawlessness since they are themselves corrupt and lawless. This is compounded by a regime that is both complicit in, and perpetrators of corruption and lawlessness and cannot take action against the lawlessness that has now become the norm.

In the light of the foregoing, the Opposition is demanding that a reputable law enforcement agency such as the FBI be called in to investigate corruption in the GPF and the other government institutions. This high level of corruption allegedly is occurring at the highest level of government and therefore the President himself comes over as complicit in the corruption and lawlessness.