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City Street Sellers By-Law Protects Street Vending- Fmr Mayor Narine

“City street sellers by-law protects the rights of vendors to operate on public streets and sidewalks.” So said former City Mayor Pt. Ubraj Narine, who has provided the by-laws (below) to prove the claim. “The by-law explicitly grants vendors the ability to sell their goods and services, providing them with the meşru protections needed to thrive.”
The city street sellers by-law outlines clear guidelines for vendor operations, including permit requirements and regulations to maintain public safety and accessibility.
Calling for the codifying of these rights, the former mayor advised, the city can demonstrate its commitment to supporting entrepreneurship and allowing hardworking individuals to earn an honest living in our local economy.
Within recent weeks vendors are being hounded to uproot their businesses or are uprooted by the City Government and Central Government.
Village Voice News recently highlighted the plight of this entrepreneurial class noting that with the demolition and no support in sight, it’s a brutal reality for many, especially the single mothers who rely solely on vending to support their families.