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Childlink condemns flogging of 10 Children at Queen’s college

Childlink INC in a statement said it strongly condemns and calls for a thorough investigation in the incident of 10 students’ being flogged (given lashes) for supposedly bad behavior at Queens College. It was reported that the teacher was sent on paid administrative leave to allow for the matter to be investigated, it is hoped that further details will be made available to understand how this learning institution is addressing this matter.

Flogging children has been long discredited by numerous local and international organizations, including the United Nations and UNICEF as a form of discipline. Further despite flogging has been recognised as a clear violation and abuse against children, the practice persists in homes and schools, across Guyana.

Guyana has taken some steps to address the delivery of education with many new schools and access to training for the staff and the education bill in 2008, but has unfortunately kept the issue of corporal punishment on its books.

Flogging is perpetuating violence, which is a learned behavior, it speaks of deep psychological issues and it’s very unfortunate that a senior teacher of one of Guyana’s top high schools cannot identify and correlate the violence that is perpetuated against women and girls with the flogging of young boys. One of the most troubling aspects of corporal punishment is its normalisation within Guyanese society. This normalization not only legitimizes all forms of violence against children. This undermines efforts to promote non-violent forms of discipline, conflict resolution and correction of behaviors.

However, enforcement mechanisms remain weak, and cultural attitudes towards corporal punishment have been slow to change.

The flogging of children has no place in a çağdaş, progressive society like Guyana and the Ministry of Education should strongly consider taking a more proactive approach to have this de-humanising behavior removed from its policy. More comprehensive measures are needed to effectively eradicate this harmful practice and ensure the protection and well-being of all children in Guyana.

Flogging children is a violation of children’s rights, it is abusive, humiliating and perpetuates cycles of violence and inequality. By condemning and actively working to eradicate corporal punishment, Guyana can create a safer and more nurturing environment for its youngest citizens, where their rights are respected, and their potential is allowed to flourish.