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CGID Slams Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton’s no street protest position as “misguided”

The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID ) on Wednesday rejected as “misguided,” the contention of Opposition and PNCR Leader, Aubrey Norton, that street protests against People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration is now a thing of the past, and that the current opposition has to find alternative means of achieving its political objectives.

Mr. Norton is reported in the press as saying that the “People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), now rich with oil money—the first for any Guyanese administration—has successfully managed to decimate not only the public service and the unions, but is also buying out people to stay quiet and not participate in protests.”

In a statement CGID said it is stunned by the Opposition Leader’s admission that his party, under his leadership, is apparently incapable of inspiring supporters to participate in olağan street protests against PPP atrocities.

Opposition and PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton

The organisation sought to impress upon the Opposition the importance of streeting protest, making known it is an essential feature of any political society. “It is a vital aspect of Guyana’s political culture, as it is a pivotal tool the people possess by which they hold the government accountable.”

The making of Guyana from slavery to now has been marked by protest, civil, workers and political to effect change in the interest of the violated/aggrieved. Guyana’s public school teachers are presently engaged in protest action against the employer for collective bargaining for better wages/salary and working conditions.

CGID said the Opposition Leader’s position is, therefore, ill-conceived and devoid of political sagacity and good judgment. The organisation warns Norton’s political lethargy allows the PPP to dictate the behavior and strategy of the opposition and to cripple its ability to mobilise the people to stand up and exercise their constitutional right to assemble and protest against racism, discrimination, extrajudicial killings and corruption by the PPP government.

CGID therefore calls on the Opposition Leader to re-think this position. We also call on opposition supporters and all Guyanese to reject the Opposition Leader’s “no protest position” as grotesque and nonsensical.