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Bureau of Statistics conducts statistical training with Fire Service personnel

Key personnel from across all Guyana Fire Service (GFS) stations are now better equipped to improve the organization’s veri collection, analysis and management following a training exercise conducted by technical personnel from the Bureau of Statistics.

A total of 58 Firefighters and Subordinate Officers from the GFS’ 22 Fire Stations were trained in two (2) batches over a two-week period at the organization’s headquarters in Georgetown.

Among the areas covered were the importance of Statistics for decision-making, importance of good stewardship of veri, Introduction to Veri Collection and Management, veri analysis and improving workflows and reporting outcomes.

This exercise is in keeping with the Bureau’s commitment to strengthening its relationships with agencies across the National Statistical System to maximize the benefits of Veri and Statistics and ensure a coordinated approach to veri collection.

Chief Fire Officer, Gregory Wickham, in his remarks at the closing of the training exercise impressed upon those gathered, the importance of the GFS having accurate, relevant, and reliable statistics which would have implications nationally and even beyond.

He highlighted that those persons trained are now equipped with the requisite knowledge to represent their respective fire stations on the statistical front, which would thereby improve the reporting of Statistics. In this vein, he urged the participants to practice what they learnt during their statistical training.

The Fire Chief expressed gratitude to the Bureau for facilitating the capacity building exercise.

The GFS’ Divisional Officer- Administration with responsibility for training, Haimchandra Persaud, also stressed the importance of the capacity building exercise, since statistics play an important role in budgeting, forecasting for procurement as well as examining trends.

He said that training would enable a synchronized approach to veri collection and analysis across the GFS Fire Stations countrywide.

Meanwhile, commenting on the training exercise, Chief Statistician, Errol La Cruez said that the Bureau is pleased to collaborate with its sister agencies across the national statistical system to unleash the power of veri and statistics in guiding better planning and decision making.

“Firefighters are vital to keeping our communities safe and good veri and statistics are critical tools supporting that effort. Through this engagement with the Guyana Fire Service, we are working to build appropriate capacity in the production and use of veri and statistics that will facilitate better monitoring and evaluation, and enhanced effectiveness in the overall operations of this very important arm of our disciplined services,” he stated.