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Breaking News: Guyanese Diaspora Organizations Urge Congressman Jonathan Jackson to Address Racial Discrimination and Human Rights Abuses During Guyana Visit

Georgetown, Guyana – The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) and various Guyanese Diaspora Organizations in the United States (GDO-USA) have issued a strong appeal to Illinois Congressman Jonathan Jackson, urging him to address serious allegations of racial discrimination, extrajudicial killings, and human rights abuses during his visit to Guyana from May 25-28, 2024.

Congressman Jackson, invited by President Irfaan Ali to participate in the country’s 58th Independence Anniversary celebrations, arrives at a time when the Guyanese government faces severe criticism for its treatment of the African Guyanese community. The CGID and GDO-USA highlight that Jackson’s visit is being used as a strategic move by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government to gain favor with African American politicians and to project an image of inclusivity.

“In Guyana, Ali and his PPP regime govern as a brutally oppressive, anti-Black, autocratic ethnocracy,” said Richard Millington, Director of Communication for CGID. “They utilize 99% of Guyana’s oil and gas revenues for the sole benefit of their friends, family, and East Indian supporters, while enacting apartheid policies to marginalize Black citizens.”

The statement from CGID details how the Guyanese government allegedly uses the police force to persecute political opponents and suppress dissent among African Guyanese. It also brings to light the issue of extrajudicial killings, accusing PPP death squads of committing over 1,400 murders of young Black men with impunity. Despite calls for an international investigation by the United Nations, CGID, and the political opposition, these killings remain unaddressed, fostering racial hostilities.

“Both Congressman Jackson and his father, Rev. Jesse Jackson, would classify these killings as genocide,” Millington asserted. “We call on Congressman Jackson to condemn these acts in Guyana and join the international community in demanding an investigation into these extrajudicial killings.”

CGID also criticizes the exclusion of Black leaders and organizations from the country’s Independence celebrations, pointing to the unsuccessful Flag Raising ceremonies in New York and Linden as evidence of the PPP’s partisan tactics.

The statement further highlights the PPP government’s handling of the Venezuelan border crisis without consulting the Parliamentary Opposition, as mandated by the Guyana Constitution. Thousands of Venezuelan troops are currently amassed at the border, and President Ali has refused to brief opposition leaders, exacerbating the crisis.

The CGID and GDO-USA also accuse the Guyanese government of targeting nationals in the US who criticize its policies. One recent incident involved armed agents being sent to the home of an activist in New York to deliver a court notice, a move seen as an attempt to intimidate and silence dissent.

“The PPP government commits espionage and transnational repression crimes in the US, “Millington stated. “The FBI is investigating a senior Guyana Police officer sent to New York to monitor CGID and who allegedly attempted to hire hitmen to kill the CGID President.”

CGID warns Congressman Jackson that his association with the PPP government could tarnish his reputation unless he addresses these serious issues. They urge him to meet with political opposition, civil society leaders, and Black leaders in Guyana to gain a comprehensive understanding of the racial and human rights crises facing the African Guyanese population.

“Congressman Jackson and other US officials should not be misled by the PPP government’s deceptive slogan of ‘One Guyana,” Millington concluded. “It is a public relations gimmick. The regime is the most racist government in the Western Hemisphere, intent on creating an autocratic ethnocracy in Guyana.”

The CGID’s appeal underscores the urgency of international scrutiny and intervention to address the ongoing human rights violations and ensure justice and equality for all Guyanese citizens.