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Book “FRIENDSHIP is the GIFT”; AMAZON # 1 Best Sellers Rank and REVIEW by GHK Lall

Friendship is the Gift: Guyana, Kuwait & America – An Uplifting International Relations Memoir, By Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally .

A VERY HIGH HONOR, this Book is accepted by the USA Library of Congress, Washingtion, DC.

Avaiable on AMAZON eBook and Paperback, and at AUSTIN’s BOOK SERVICES for PAPERBACK.

AMAZON Kindle BEST SELLERS RANK, 2 photos’ EVIDENCE, are hereunder.

# 1 in Middle East

# 2 in French Guyana, GUYANA, and Suriname Travel

# 6 in Persian Gulf

Meet Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally, a distinguished USA and KÜRESEL MARKETER with a DOCTORATE in EDUCATION from GEORGE WASHINHGTON UNIVERSITY. A born and raised AMERICAN she holds dual citizenship through marriage with GUYANA, South America. As the spouse of the Guyanese Ambassador to Kuwait, Dr. Maryann cultivated a profound appreciation for diverse cultures, emphasizing the interconnectedness of countries.

Explore the beauty and customs of Kuwait through her personal odyssey, turning the unknown into a familiar and welcoming landscape. “Friendship Is the Gift” transforms fear into curiosity about the Arabian Peninsula, illuminating Kuwait’s sincere appreciation for America, the United Kingdom, and all 113 embassies there, including Guyana.

PHOTO: Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally


# 1 in Middle East

# 2 in French Guyana, GUYANA, and Suriname Travel

# 6 in Persian Gulf

Friendship is the Gift: Guyana, Kuwait & America – An Uplifting International Relations Memoir –

by Dr Maryann Beebe-Ally (Author)

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Dr. Maryann, an American and Guyanese citizen, as she leaves behind her comfortable American life to become the wife of the Ambassador of Guyana in the Middle East. “Friendship Is the Gift” is a mesmerizing memoir that transcends cultural boundaries, offering readers a unique insight into diplomatic life, adapting to local customs, and the captivating intricacies that unfold when learning about Kuwait.

Dr. Maryann shares unforgettable experiences in this gripping narrative, from befriending street cats to gracing the red carpet alongside the glitterati. The book paints a vivid picture of resilience, peace, and friendship as Dr. Maryann navigates a world of high-level diplomacy, finds ways to add value to her new community, and establishes a home in the heart of Kuwait.

“Friendship Is the Gift” bridges the Western hemisphere with the richness of Kuwait’s traditions, emphasizing the interconnectedness with America, the United Kingdom, Europe, and all 113 embassies there. Join Dr. Maryann and Ambassador Shamir as they expand awareness about Guyana and foster meaningful connections between nations.

“Friendship Is the Gift” covers various topics that deliver on every front. Whether you seek a glimpse into diplomatic life, a cultural exploration of the Middle East, or inspiration to appreciate the power of friendship. Don’t miss out on this uplifting tale that knits a tapestry portraying çağdaş Kuwait and an opportunity to choose friendship.

This book will:

– Provide readers with a unique insight into diplomatic life in Kuwait

– Transform readers’ understanding of Kuwait’s people, customs, and culture

– Allow readers to experience the beauty and hospitality of a foreign culture

– Inspire readers to appreciate the power of friendship and to seek out connection

GABRIEL GHK LALL BOOK REVIEW for Dr. Maryann Renee Beebe Ally

Columnist for Kaieteur News, Demerara Waves, Village Voice, Catholic Standard. Occasional contributor to Stabroek News and the Guyana Graphic. Graduate of three American Institutions of Higher Learning. Former CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Charter Holder. A 20-year veteran of Wall Street, Hospice helper, Roman Catholic Eucharistic Minister, and AUTHOR.


5 BOOKS’ Publications by GABRIEL GHK LALL

“Birth of the Millenium: A Walk-Through Life’s Pathways” ( Vantage Press: New York 2000)

“Guyana. A National Cesspool of Greed, Duplicity and Corruption” (GHK Lall: Georgetown 2012).

“Guyana Elections 2015: Hard Truths, Harder Challenges” (GHK Lall, Georgetown 2015).

“Sitting on a Racial Volcano: Guyana Uncensored” (GHK Lall: Georgetown, 2013).

“ Soaring into Magnificence- Cancer: From Illness to Holiness” ( Publish America: Baltimore, 2011)

Editorial Review ★★★★★ FRIENDSHIP is THE GIFT: Guyana, Kuwait, and America.”

“Friendship is the Gift is easy reading, a swift-moving four-year chronology that grips the reader, and never let’s go.” – Gabriel GHK Lall, Columnist for Kaieteur News, Demerara Waves, Village Voice, Catholic Standard, and occasional contributor to Stabroek News and Guyana Graphic.”

A work of deva and love, of dedication and drive, is Friendship is the Gift: Guyana, Kuwait & America -An Uplifting International Relations Memoir”. It is softy and gently written, as shared by Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally. Her Excellency Dr. Maryann was the second half of the then Guyana’s Ambassadorial presence in Kuwait from August 2016 for four years. After the magic of this simple, endearing memoir, she can rightly lay claim to being the better half. Take a bow and take a backseat Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally. In reading the flitting, skipping, always moving 221 pages, the part of “…International Relations Memoir” feels like a next-door one, so much it wraps the personal, neighborly, and friendly within its covers, on each well-tended page. Uplifting it is, with no frills, no pretenses. Just as people were encountered, situations dealt with, and friendships encircled. In its two human instruments, Guyana could not have asked for, been graced with, a better ambassadorial team. The memoir adds to the luster.

“Friendship is the Gift…” is easy reading, a swift moving four-year chronology that grips the reader, and never let’s go. A diplomatic tour intertwined with the lightest touch of Lawrence of Arabia, but talih an inspired Peter O’Toole and Omar Sharif galloping about, and battling the elements and environment alongside local allies. For Guyanese and others interested in a quick march glimpse into numerous aspects of diplomatic life, and Kuwaiti life, “Friendship is the Gift…” delivers just the right touch.

The memoir has a charming, homespun intimacy about it. Newcomers reaching out and linking arms, extending the warmth and energy of Guyana and America. In this speaking from the heart, and as experienced, ambassadorial spouse, Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally, has opened a door into life in Kuwait, at many levels, and in more than enough avenues. A preference would be to see more ordinary Kuwaitis revealed. But the rest is there: official to personal. From the friendly and familiar to the strange and new. Friendship is the Gift…” could have just as easily be retitled, “Dispatches from Kuwait” or “From Kuwait with Love: As it Unfolded.”

The book has the energy and beauty of a travelogue, combined with serious national duty, while not losing a step, any strain of diplomatic decorum. Rich and inquiring, a lengthy peek into a different culture, and the gathering of different countries and the cultures they embody. Congratulations are due to the husband-and-wife ambassadorial team to Kuwait for the profoundness of their gastric systems. It seems that both of them fared well with the cuisine cultures of many from the 113 countries with resident representatives in Kuwait.

For the unfamiliar, it is an introduction to Kuwait that is quietly relaxing. There are no airs about Friendship is the Gift. This is how it was in Kuwait; it is what captivated, intrigued, baffled.

There is the curious: whoever heard of, came across, currency denominated in fractions? In different sizes? And in two languages? There is something new learned every hour, if the drive is there, and Friendship is the Gift provides the propulsion. Tour guide and author, Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally takes the reader back to school, with the shortest class on the Arabic language.

Duty and etiquette involved from the swirl of diplomatic activities to the logistics of transportation to attendance to representing Guyana well. The diplomatic map had a gap, and Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally and spouse Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally had their work cut out for them in filling that void. Where is Guyana? Maybe even, what is Guyana? The stamina of both Excellencies is remarkable in that they summoned the energy and class to be present almost every evening of the week to be at some diplomatic function that usually occupied many long hours. This was after the usual demanding day at the office; and also, after the flurry of activities that Excellency Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally did an integral part of her ambassadorship. Friendship of a special kind, indeed; nurtured patiently, then taken to new heights.

Friendships forged, causes participated in, Guyana promoted, and much more. The range of interests, involvements, and activities of an ambassador’s wife-the silent partner, at times invisible champion, and tireless diplomatic missionary-is nonstop

The landline phone story is hilarious; with just the smooth touch needed to relate what should have been routine but wasn’t. there are insights into royal codes, gender codes, diplomatic protocols, and reminders of the limited role of women in the host country. And the sense of a special thrill when acquaintanceship is made with others from Western countries, especially American and British. There are friendships, and then there are friendships. There is the smooth blending of the domestic with the diplomatic, the official with the private. On the issue of taboos, there were two. Pork was not a sorun. On the other hand, the Guyana Embassy in Kuwait operated as though Prohibition was still the law, even though diplomatic immunity provided an opening for the thirsty in the sand-baked desert. A dry zone and dry time, it was.

Readers can share in cancer coverage, to the mundane of haircuts to the puzzle about post offices. Indeed, an eye to surroundings and detail, but always with a push to keep the Kuwait Story fresh and moving. The Kuwaiti driver’s license process should remind local readers of the tedious procedures in Georgetown, complete with rubberstamps, seals, originals, and the rest. Bureaucracy is bureaucracy the world over. Here is a surprise: stray cats and dogs in Kuwait.

From Halloween celebration to a draining road race to guest lecturer, the Ambassador’s wife was a human dynamo. Readers are drawn into grand occasions with Monarchs, Amirs, and Crown Princes. Then, it is back to earth to the supermarket or a cancer gathering, or another diplomatic function.

Friendship is the Gift….” is a work of arka, one of love. Simplicity, honesty, and timelessness throughout. Indeed, it is an “Uplifting Memoir” that is worth every page. Thanks, Your Excellency Dr. Maryann Beebe-Ally. In fairness, the same goes for former Ambassador His Excellency Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally.

Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.