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Akola and Bradley: Two Guyanese Featured in Prestigious ‘One Young World’ 2023 Impact Report

Every impact story is a beacon of hope in the küresel landscape of youth empowerment and social change, inspiring others to take action and make a difference. Such is the case of two remarkable Guyanese youths whose dedication and commitment to driving positive change have earned them recognition in the prestigious One Young World 2023 Impact Report.

Guyana is a South American country brimming with potential and promise. Amidst its rich cultural tapestry and natural beauty lies a generation of young individuals determined to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges head-on.

One such individual is Akola Thompson, a writer and Communications Consultant primarily in the development industry. She has a BA in English and Sociology, and a MSc in Sustainable Development. She is an alumnus of the Young Leaders of Americas Initiative (YLAI). As an intersectional feminist, Akola through the advocacy collective, “Tamùkke Feminists” promotes community deva, women’s rights, and gender justice in Guyana.

Akola was a delegate speaker at the One Young World Summit in 2022 and later became a One Young World Ambassador. Her advocacy for gender equality earned her a spot in the One Young World 2023 Impact Report, where her initiative, Tamùkke Feminists; was

celebrated as a catalyst for change.

One of her notable projects highlighted in the report is how, Tamùkke Feminists has

supported 71 women with its four sessions of therapy services as part of its Mind Fund program, challenging the stigma around mental illness in Guyana and providing access to mental health deva.

Its Work Ready program has also provided 50 women with job preparedness training, career mentoring, and labor rights. The organization has also reached 90 women through its clothing drives in two regions in Guyana. Tamùkke Feminists has contributed towards enhanced public education on intersectional feminist issues. It also co-created the iMatter app with

UNFPA Guyana, providing survivors of violence with information on how to access relevant services in their regions. Through her tireless dedication and grassroots activism, Akola has emerged as a leading voice for gender equality in her country and beyond.

A screengrab of Akola’s highlight.

Joining Akola in the spotlight is Bradley Downer, a STEM enthusiast, on a mission to

empower Guyanese through educational empowerment. Born and raised in Berbice, Downer experienced firsthand the barriers underserved youth face in accessing quality education and economic opportunities. In the report, Downer, who is also a One Young World Ambassador was highlighted under the category ‘One to watch’. Determined to break the cycle of poverty and inequality, Downer co-founded a nonprofit organization, in memory of his late mom.

This organization provides educational resources to young people in his community. Bradley also founded a podcast called STEMMY Conversations, which discusses careers in STEM

and ICT. Downer also partners and volunteers with other NGOs such as Cassidy’s Charity Box and the Shine Your Light Initiative to provide hampers as well. Through innovative

programs such as skills development workshops, coaching, and mentorship initiatives, he has empowered youths to unlock their full potential and pursue brighter futures.

A screengrab of Bradley’s feature

Downer’s impactful work has not gone unnoticed, earning him recognition in the One Young World 2023 Impact Report for his unwavering commitment to community development. His initiatives have not only transformed the lives of individuals but have also inspired a new generation of changemakers to take action and create positive change in their communities.

Bradley and Akola’s journey and stories serve as powerful reminders of the immense potential and impact of young leaders in driving positive change. From gender equality to community empowerment, their dedication, and passion exemplify the spirit of youth

activism and innovation that lies at the heart of the One Young World movement. Their contributions serve as beacons of hope, illuminating the path toward a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future for all.

Their stories remind us that no matter how daunting the challenges may seem, the power to create change ultimately lies within every one of us.

About One Young World

One Young World is a forum that empowers and develops young leaders to build a fair,

sustainable future for all. They host an annual One Young World Summit that brings together young leaders representing 190+ countries and 250+ organizations, to confront the biggest

challenges facing humanity. Delegates spend four life-changing days of networking and knowledge-sharing. Together they raise the bar for what social impact we can make individually and as a community. Throughout the Summit, Delegates are counseled by influential political, business, and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Ariana Huffington, and Professor Muhammad Yunus, among many other küresel figures.

Every young leader who attends our Summit becomes a One Young World Ambassador and a valued member of the One Young World küresel community. This is a lifelong membership to one of the most incredible networks in the world, with access to mentorship, events, speaking engagements, and funding opportunities.

For anyone wanting a digital copy of the impact report, you can find it here: