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AFC’s Message to Governments and People of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Carricou Island, and Grenada

The Alliance For Change (AFC) extends heartfelt solidarity to the governments and people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Carricou Island and Grenada, following the devastation wrought by Hurricane Beryl on July 1st. This unprecedented early-season Category 5 storm has left a profound impact on your beautiful islands, and we stand with you during this challenging time.

The resilience of the people of the Windward Islands have been inspirational in the face of adversity. We are confident that your indomitable spirit will guide you through the recovery process. The AFC is committed to supporting your efforts and urges the international community and regional partners to provide immediate aid and resources to assist in the rebuilding and recovery.

Furthermore, the severity of Hurricane Beryl underscores the urgent need to address and mitigate the effects of climate change. As the climate crisis intensifies, it is crucial for all nations to collaborate on sustainable solutions to protect our shared environment and safeguard vulnerable communities from future natural disasters.

We express our deepest sympathies and solidarity, and we pledge our support in helping you rebuild stronger and more resilient communities.

The Alliance For Change urges the Government of Guyana to continue our relief efforts to aid the affected nations. It is our duty to help our Caricom sisters and brothers when they are in need. We must not fail in that duty.

In solidarity and with deepest sympathies,