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AFC prefers UN provides leadership to Haiti’s crisis with CARICOM- Dr. Shamir Ally

The Alliance For Change (AFC) wants to see the UN Secretary General’s taking the leadership in tackling the Haitian crisis, with CARICOM, and the recruitment and inclusion of a majority of French speaking security force to Haiti. The party made the announcement as a recent press conference.

Expressing sadness at the continuing crisis in Haiti, and the unfolding events after the March 4, mass prison break by 3,798 inmates with around 98 inmates remaining, the party addressed the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to help quell gang-fuelled lawlessness in Haiti is on hold until a new government is formed. Kenyans speak English and Swahili

Pointing out the language difference which will make interaction and relationship building difficult, former Guyana Ambassador to Kuwait (2015-2020) Dr. Shamir Ally noted the foreign troops do not speak Haiti’s two official languages, Haitian Creole, and French. This he said, “will be at a severe disadvantage in a highly volatile condition, including more loss of lives.”

The ambassador’s observation highlights the fact that there isn’t an absence of personnel who speak the language Haitians understand. Africa has 29 French-speaking countries, 21 of which are known as Francophone countries, that is, countries which use French as their official language or use it as one of their other official languages, next to many others.

The AFC’s calling for UN leadership on the crisis may also be informed by its announcement reliable information suggests Haitians prefer the küresel body to lead the efforts for a transitional government, not CARICOM and the United States. This information would come as no surprise to observers of Haitian crises the rejection they have faced in countries such as Guyana, Jamaica.

In 201 the Irfaan Ali government has imposed visa restriction on Haitian, removing the six-month visa free travel the David Granger/Moses Nagamootoo government granted to CARICOM member and associates states as part of the Free Movement of Skills.

The Ali government has also jailed and mistreated Haitians fleeing from their war-torn country. Ali is the present chairman of CARICOM and headed the team of leaders who on March 11, 2024 signed a historic agreement with the objective to find a way for a peaceful transition of power in Haiti.

The United Nations has called on countries to support Haitians including providing them with sanctuary. The Government of Guyana has not lifted the visit restriction on Haitians.