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Burnham signage gets facelift, thanks to Nigel Hinds

The Burnham Basketball Court, situated at Independence Park/Parade Ground, Carmichael and Middle Streets, Georgetown gets a facelift. Its sign was replaced by private citizen and chartered accountant, Nigel Hinds earlier this month.

In an interview with Village Voice News, Hinds said his involvement started in 2017 when he was President of the Guyana Basketball Federation. And over the last seven years he has, at his own expense, arranged to have the signage replaced. “Once the vinyl banner gets faded, the upgrade is done,” he asserted.

In 2018 Hinds stepped down from the federation presidency after Guyana won the Caribbean Basketball Championships.

The sign in June 2024

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham O.E, S.C was elected Mayor of Georgetown in 1959 and 1964. He was later elected Premier of British Guiana (1964-1966), Prime Minister (1966-1980), and President (1980-1985).

Burnham who was born on February 20, 1923 and died on August 6, 1985.

Hinds’ contribution reinforces the role of private citizens making contributions to the development of sports and other national activities., including lifting the country’s aesthetics.