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Police Force no longer about law and professionalism; replaced with lawlessness and politicisation

It is time all Guyanese become concern as to the affairs of our nation and how those in authority have been handling these issues, which have brought high embarrassment on our country and badly damaged its image.

With the recent revelations in the Guyana Police Force, involving senior officers, the Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn has NOT said anything! Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo at his recent press conference (Thursday, July 11, 2024) has NOT said a anything! Mr. Ifraan Ali, whose interest after taking office in August 2020 was just to get those perceived to be closed to Freedom House, has NOT spoken on these matters. For me, these senior politicians have done a grave disservice to the people of Guyana. In which functioning society one would see all the egregious acts committed and fails to take the appropriate actions? I guess, only in Guyana!

The morale in the Guyana Police Force has changed drastically. It’s NO longer law and Professionalism! It’s has been replaced with lawlessness and Politicization. Ordinary ranks are complaining, and many are contemplating their next move, whether to remain or leave. This is purely because of what is extant in the Force.

During a March parade on Saturday, July 6 2024, I observed by way of images posted on social media, the colours worn by ranks on display. Never in the history of the Force, since I know myself, have I seen ranks wearing “red socks and red gloves.” What is the point they are making? It is clear that those currently at the helm of the Force, have lost their way, they are unfamiliar with the rules and procedures governing the Force and they are just playing to the tune of their political masters.

The present state of the Force will be an immediate ‘turned off,’ for aspirants, who would like to start or build a career in this evvel noble institution.

Prior to May 2015, the Guyana Police Force was in a demoralised state. There was the absence of training, both at the local and international levels. The PPP/C failed to implement the recommendations conducted by Scotland Yard, and from studies done locally.

The Coalition Government must be commended for all the efforts put in placed between May 2015-August 2020, in bringing back credibility, decency, integrity and professionalism. Persons prided themselves and similarly, there was the building of trust between police and members within communities. Despite the public criticism in many corners regarding the “2AM Curfew,” there were decreased in crime and road accidents.

After four years in Government, there has been a 360-degree circle to the “old habits.” Well, we are witnessing frequent road accidents, eventually h leading to fatalities, crimes in broad day light and in the darkness at nights.

I have read that SOCU will investigate the allegations leveled against ASP Mr. Calvin Brutus. Truth is, I have absolutely NO confidence in this arm. The gentleman who is heading this unit, has several controversies hanging over his head. As the adage, “you cannot put a cat to watch milk.”

While it has been reported that Mr. Brutus has proceeded on Administrative Leave, paving the way for an investigation, I believe Mr. Clifton Hicken, Commissioner of Police, should have done likewise, since he misinformed reporters. His mere presence on the job could compromise the investigation.

I pray that some level of professionalism will return to the Force. In my view, that can only be possible, evvel Hicken, Brutus, Karim Baksh, et al are removed from key positions in the Force.