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Nigel Hughes Leadership of AFC has no Conflict of Interest- Narine

The ruling PPP controlled propaganda newspaper, Guyana Chronicle that does not publish opposing views, commented (June 30) that Nigel Hughes serving as leader of AFC is a “conflict of interest” that was also echoed in Stabroek News and Kaieteur News by Kit Nascimento ( July 03) “Nigel Hughes inescapable conflict of interest with Exxon” in simply his being a lawyer of Exxon. Being a politician or political leader of a party and serving as a lawyer for a company or any entity does not in and of itself or themselves become “conflict of interest”.
According to a definition as obtained from the internet, a conflict of interest “occurs when an individual’s personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions” on any matter. As an illustration, if a lawyer has an interest in a matter and represents an opposing entity, it will be a conflict of interest as he may champion the interests of one over the other.
Nigel Hughes

In the meşru field, conflict of interest is when a lawyer has interests in opposing sides and sides with one side over the other. An attorney must zealously represent the interests of client (s). He or she can’t represent both sides with fairness.

Mr. Hughes does not have a conflict of interest regarding Exxon. He stated publicly that he is a personal lawyer for Exxon. He is not a lawyer for the government or another entity doing business with Exxon. He is the leader of AFC. He is not a lawyer for AFC in any matter relating to Exxon.
Also, the AFC does not have any business matter with Exxon. Members of the AFC are members of parliament in the opposition. The opposition does not have any business with Exxon. The ruling party, PPP, has business with Exxon; it forms the government and is in negotiation with Exxon on behalf of the people of Guyana. The PPP does not consult with the opposition on any matter relating to Exxon. Thus, not the PNCR or AFC or APNU has any conflict of interest with Exxon.
If Mr. Hughes continues as a lawyer for Exxon were he to serve in the government as a Minister or President or any other prominent position, it will be considered as a conflict of interest. He will have to give up one position. If Mr. Hughes is only serving as a lawyer of Exxon and does not represent the government, there is no conflict of interest. An election is more than a year away and Mr. Hughes has a long time to address this matter, should it become an issue the day after the election were he elected to office. I must make mention that the biggest conflict of interest of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana is the PPP government and at least we must not forget the actions of the PPP government and Attorney General Hon. Anil Nandlall, SC decision to appeal the ruling of the court on ExxonMobil’s oil spill guarantee where that is deemed conflict of interest.
The country commends Mr. Hughes for his honesty and public disclosure that he is a lawyer for Exxon. Members of the PPP government have not publicly disclosed their conflicts of interest with Exxon and other companies. One minister is supplying Exxon with food supplies. Another is supplying various other goods. Another is supplying services to oil companies. One top government functionary is renting multiple properties to oil companies. His male partner, who runs a humongous media house, rents huge amounts of land on the East Bank to an oil company.
Another top functionary who owns multiple businesses operating under the names of others have major businesses (providing logistics, taxi services, rentals, etc.) with oil companies earning millions of American dollars a month. The same functionary supplies chicken to a major energy company, resulting in scarcity of chicken and doubling of price since 2020. A minister has a construction company that does business with Exxon. A member of the PPP Central Committee does business with businesses on environmental matters. The businesses that functionaries of government and PPP are engaged with energy companies are illustrative examples of conflicts of interests, not Mr. Hughes serving as a lawyer of Exxon. The government functionaries are compromising the public interests.
Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA
Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor
City of Georgetown