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FOREIGNERS are becoming the DOMINANT SKILLED PRESENCE, and a SOLUTION is to RECRUIT Skilled, Trained and Experienced GUYANESE from the Global DIASPORA; CASTE and THE CASTOUT in GUYANA.”

Dear Editor,

The foreign invasion – Kaieteur News (

Brother Gabriel, You are ON TARGET. Within a FEW Years Guyana Demographics WILL Change. Smarter Governments, will know, that EXPATRIATES are employed at International Competitive SALARY Rates, PACKAGES and PERQUISITES ( Hiring Bonus around 10% of Annual Salary, Annual Performance Bonus, Food, Car, Housing, Children’s Education Support, Annual Stock Option, and Annual Return Air Ticket for staff and family, et al) are Küresel Employment Practices, especially for the OIL, GAS, ENVIRONMENT Upstream and Downstream Operations’ Companies.

We KNOW ACCREDITATION Regional or/and International are VERY, VERY, VERY, Important.

DAILY we read, see, and know, Skilled Guyanese are MIGRATING for Better HİSSE, Conditions, and the GOOD LIFE, especially to the United Kingdom, USA, and Canada ( after most with their years of Education from Guyana) WITH LONG LINES at these 3 Embassies for VISAS in Georgetown. Some are using Küresel Hiring Agencies, FAST TRACK, and their BACK TRACKS.

Guyana State and Official Visits, with Business Delegations, which includes, Friends, Favorites and Families with HIRING/RECRUITMENT businesses’ interests, for income maximization, making a profit is excellent, BUT these are at a Future National Security RISK.


In Kuwait as Ambassador 2016-2020, we processed PASSPORT RENEWALS for Hundreds of Guyanese in the MEDICAL, OIL, GAS, ENVIRONMENT, FINANCIAL, ACCOUNTING, AUDITING & MANAGEMENT SECTORS and a Smart, Wise, and Caring Government, should include in ALL the Agreements for the HIRING of GUYANESE FIRST at Established KÜRESEL RATES, from the DIASPORA, then Recruitment from CARICOM then GLOBALLY, with HEAVY PENALTIES for Violations.

From the totality of my work and travels to 80 Countries, on 5 Continents, am supremely confident and know, GUYANESE are available, with THEIR LIVED GUYANESE EXPERIENCES as an ASSET, versus an EXPATRIATE with their HUGE differences in Cultures, Norms and Practices.


For example, who knows know, that the INDIANS and BANGLADESHIS, ARRIVING, are with similar Heritage to INDO GUYANESE, but THEIR CASTE PRACTICES are more INGRAINED.

OUR MIXED RACE, Berbecians, Lindeners and Essequibians know of THE CAST OUT, which RACE Commentators and AUTHORS, are FAILING to DISCUSS for Transparency towards COLLECTIVE improvements.

My High Recommendation, on CASTE and RACE is for the 2 BOOKS, “ CASTE” by ISABEL WILKERSON, and “ A People’s Political History of Guyana 1838-1964” by GUYANESE Professor DR. KIMANI S. K. NEHUSI.

AFC On the Move and GLOBESPAN, started with a FEW PROGRAMS, and much more are needed for COLLECTIVE DISCUSSIONS and DECISIONS for a better way for a GUYANA with 6 RACES with EQUITY, FAIRNESS and RESPECT.

The Assurances of My Highest Consideration

Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally

Second Ambassador to KUWAIT, 2016-2020.