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Many DO DEVA for an improvement in this Sector, which with 3 USA Sanctions are seen and read, by the Küresel Community, and GUYANA’S IMAGE has sunk very badly.
Dr. Shamir in MAY 2023 with 3 VILLAGE VOICE COLUMNS on GOLD, with LINKS repeated Hereunder.

Guyana, Gold Declarations, Down, the 18 Key causes; Guyanese off-shore corporations, and Currency Shortage. Part 1 of 3

Guyana, Gold Declarations, Down, The 20 KEY causes: Part 2 of 3

QATAR, Off-shore private Corporations, Bank of Guyana and Corruption- Part 3 of 3

Plugging the gold declaration idiosyncrasy

VV June 24, excellent 9 POINT Suggestions.
High LIVED EXPERINCES in GOLD, Back Channel Person, said. “ Good thoughts. But misses the mark by a wide country mile due to one gaping reality. In Guyana, chronic corruption mars every good vision. Who to monitor? Who is owed? Who must be protected? Who must be shaken down? And in all of this, who to stand over everything so the plan can work ?”
Another said “ I agree with this. It is ridiculous, this undeclared gold situation. It is rooted in a well-organized operation and may be institutionally supported.”
The 10 Point PLAN that Mr. GHK Lall and Hon. Minister Raphael Trotman devised in 2017 and was being IMPLEMENTED are hereunder. STILL applicable today.

10 Point Plan in 2017 to Increase Gold Production and Declarations: This PLAN is with the GOVERNMENT
Following on a record declaration of gold in 2016 of 713,000 troy ounces, there was a decline in declaration in 2017 to 654,000 troy ounces or an 8.2% decrease, Which represents 59,000 troy ounces. This decline continued in the first quarter of 2018. Further, the disruption of work at both the GGMC and GGB by the concerns of mercury emissions will further affect production.
The miners have identified several for this decline including, inclement weather, restrictive fiscal policies, and the cessation of operations by Sadiqq Rasul and SSS Mining Inc. In an effort to ascertain with greater clarity the root causes of the decline, meetings were held with the miners’ associations, gold dealers and the management of the Guyana Gold Board. The various reasons were clustered around, government actions such as improperly maintained roads, ambivalent policies and lack of incentives and inadequate regulation.
However, going forward, the intention is to have an Inter – Ministerial/Inter-Agency Task Force that will be established to boost the production of gold.
Several Ministries’ activities, and those of the corresponding Agencies, are directly impacting mining and related activities. These are –
• Ministry of Natural Resources
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Public Infrastructure
• Road Services Division
• Ministry of Business
The Cilt (10) Point Plan below offers a definite roadmap towards the restoration of the high declarations:
1. Fast-track applications for exploratory and mining permits
2. Open new roads and maintain road network
3. Implement tax relief incentives
4. Allow miners to obtain Investment agreements
5. Establish a new location for Gold Board lab and have GGB go into fields to buy gold
6. Pass amendments to Gold Board Act to ensure greater accountability and supply of gold
7. Allow miners to do maintenance of hinterland roads
8. Provide incentives for land reclamation
9. Conclude issue of conversion of Prospecting Licenses to Mining Licenses
10. Greater scrutiny of the sector by Mines Officers and Wardens.

With respect there is a 2017 PLAN, Caring persons are sharing the PROBLEMS with SOLUTIONS. What is MISSING is the PPPC Government’s DISCONTINUATION of the 2017 PLAN, which is in their RECORDS & RECORDS, and the NEED for the WILL to Effectively MANAGE this sector.

With 3 USA Sanctions and ongoing investigations, which may soon reach THE CABINET Members, it would be wise for an INDPENDENT GROUP of SUBJECT MATTER PERSONS, be asked to work on a PLAN, with the authority to IMPLEMENT, and MONITOR.
COMMONSENSE the USA will NEVER supply to the Government of Guyana, (which FAILED IN ITS FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITES to MONITOR GOLD), there SOURCES, METHODS, and EVIDENCE for the 3 Sanctions.
What is likely to happen, is the USA will offer to send 3 of more of their KNOWLEDGEABLE EXPERTS to assist with CAPACITY BUILDING in Guyana.
So, a WISE PPP Government should start with the ITEMS HEREIN to EFFECTIVELY, not Words or WEAK WORK, to monitor this sector which REPORTEDLY has been and continues to be remarkably close to the PPP Leadership.
With the Renewed Assurances of my Highest Consideration.

Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, PhD., MBA, FAIA (UK), DTM.
Guyana’s SECOND Ambassador to KUWAIT 2016-2020
FIRST Alternate GOVERNOR, Islamic Development Bank, SAUDI ARABIA, 2017-2020
Deputy Chairman, Board of Directors, GO-Invest, The Guyana Office for Investment, February 2016 to December 2019.