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MPs Sarabo-Halley and Ferguson call for investigation into allegation of sexual harassment by Opposition Leader Norton, stand with Kissoon

Two prominent female Members of Parliament (MPs) in the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have added their voices to unfolding news of alleged sexual harassment against People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) member Vanessa Kissoon by Party Leader, Aubrey Norton.

News of this story broke some days ago on Facebook by one Egland Gomes who purported a sexual harassment of Kissoon by Norton, who is also Leader of the Opposition. Norton denied the allegation on Gomes’ post and stated he would sue.

Vanessa Kissoon

Yesterday, in a live broadcast, Norton denied the allegation, stating it was false and malicious. In that post, Norton called on Kissoon to break her silence. She did.

In a release, the PNCR member stated “Despite what Mr. Norton is now alleging, I have travelled in Mr. Norton’s car and under what I considered to be a threat to use a firearm which he had in his possession and showed to me. Mr. Norton stopped his car, locked it, showed me his gun in his foot and asked me, ‘If I put this to your head and rape you, what would you do?’”

Since then, MPs Annette Ferguson and Tabitha Sarabo-Halley have spoken out. Ferguson, a member of the PNCR stated she stands with “my sister, comrade and colleague, Vanessa Kissoon and vehemently condemn the attacks on her and all female members of the PNCR.”

Ferguson noted that as a member of the institution and woman, she recognises the silence regarding attacks on female comrades in the Party, from fellow comrades. This in my view is not who the PNCR is, she asserted. The MP also cautioned, though persons would have their views, opinions and preferences, especially standing on principles, this does not give one the right to disrespect, disregard and vilify others. “It is TIME women be respected in our society and in the organisations they are members of,” the MP intoned.

Sarabo-Halley, in a post on her Facebook, stated the allegations levelled against Norton must be investigated forthwith. “Vanessa Kissoon has bravely come forward after being asked to do so by the Leader of the Opposition. She has said her truth. I have no reason to doubt her as I personally have heard rumours of the incident minus the actual details of the account.”

Leader of the Opposition and PNCR Mr. Aubrey Norton

“We as Guyanese, especially our women, do not understand that our response to these situations can either bring further pressure on our society and our men to stop abusing our women or make men feel that they will be protected by the same women that they abuse,” Sarabo-Halley stated

She warned that we cannot only believe the victim when we don’t like the perpetrator, calling attention to statistics that show “perpetrators of sexual harassment and abuse don’t have a specific look and thus it can be anyone.”

Referencing what many see as double standards the MP, stated “if we called for [Nigel] Dharamlall to be removed from Parliament we have to recognise that anything less in this case would make us hypocrites. If we called for the government to remove Dharamlall as a Minister then anything less in this case would make us selective advocates.”

Sarabo-Halley, like Ferguson, stated she stands with Vanessa Kissoon. “I understand the trauma that comes, that stays. We must always be seen to be standing in defense of victims,” the MP make known.