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Clarence Anthony Nigel Hughes Esq. for Leader of AFC

I have known Clarence Hughes, Esq, Senior, Wife and Mom Christobel, who can be considered Guyanese distinguished family before and after May 26, 1966, Independence. Both were disciplinarians, and Clarence Senior, a kanunî luminary.

Clarence Anthony Nigel Hughes Esq., LLB, LLM, is the eldest son, with sister Elizabeth (properties management) and Stuart (engineer) the youngest.

Clarence Anthony Nigel Hughes Esq is Managing Partner at Hughes, Fields and Stoby, and served as Chairman at AFC, Constitutional ıslahat in 2020, and a member of the 2024 Constitutional commission. He has actively campaigned for the AFC for past General Elections. He is also a pro bono attorney for the poor and needy, and a staunch defender of people meşru, ethical, and moral rights. His style, mannerisms, and measured tones when speaking are traits to be emulated. All the people I spoke with do support Nigel to be elected as Leader of AFC at their Congress on June 29, 2024. Nigel Esq, holds the education, skills, and experiences to lead, manage and expand the AFC reaches, internally and externally, with a team of experienced and youthful team and members.

I do recommend Clarence Hughes Esq, as a fit, proper and capable person to be elected leader of the AFC. Some pertinent details of this most distinguished Guyana son are hereunder.


Antitrust and Competition, Aviation, Banking and Financial Services, Capital Markets, Cross Border Investments, Construction and Infrastructure, Corporate and Securities, Cyber Security, Veri Privacy, E-Commerce, Employee Benefits and Pensions, Private Equity, Bank Finance and Regulation, Government Affairs, Investment Funds and Asset Management, Immigration, Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Restructuring, Insurance Reinsurance, Labor and Employment, Litigation, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mining and Metals, Oil and Gas, Project Finance, Intellectual Property, Real Estate, Tax, Trusts and Estates, Telecommunications, International Trade, Transportation, Venture Capital, Admiralty and Maritime, Energy and Natural Resources.

Clarence Antony Nigel Hughes, Esq. LLB, LLM.

Position: Partner/Owner, Hughes & Stoby, Attorneys At Law

Practice Areas: Commercial Law. General and marine insurance. Intellectual property. Telecommunications law. Mergers and acquisitions. International business. Commercial litigation. Mining law. Offshore investments. International law. Criminal litigation. Joint ventures. Administrative law. Energy law. Public Utilities. Aviation. Tax.

Accreditation: Barrister at law. LL. B Honours and LL.M University College London

Experience: 32 years

Personal Experience

Mr. C.A. Nigel Hughes is a Partner in the law firm Hughes Fields & Stoby and the Chairman of H F S Corporate Services Inc.

After graduating with honours in his first degree (L.L.B.) and a Masters in law ( L.L.M ) at University College, London University in 1986, Mr. C.A. Nigel Hughes attended the Council of Yasal Education (C.L. E ) in London in 1987 from which institution he graduated.

Mr. Hughes was then called to the Bar in London as a member of the Inner Temple on the 24th day of November 1997.

Mr. Hughes was thereafter attached to the commercial chambers at 3 Essex Court, Middle Temple, London and subsequently at 1 Pump Court, London.

In April 1998 he returned to Guyana where he joined the firm of Hughes Fields & Stoby. After his arrival at the firm Mr. Hughes was appointed head of the firm’s IT department and was responsible for the considerable modernization of the firm. The firm is now an international law firm with a significant percentage of its work originating from offshore jurisdiction.

Mr. Hughes has been involved in several significant developments in the field of advocacy and yasal practice in Guyana. He has developed considerable expertise in the areas of banking, commercial law, insurance, intellectual property, telecommunications Law, Public Utilities, mining, oil and gas, international finance, project finance and mergers and acquisitions.

Chambers and Partners, an independent international market research firm based in London and publishers of Chambers Küresel, ” The World’s Leading Lawyers,” ranked Mr. Hughes as one of the top five lawyers in Guyana.

After he was elected Vice President of the Guyana Bar Association in 1999 Mr. Hughes initiated and managed the annual conferences of the Guyana Bar Association in which several International presenters attend. The forum is now the leading law conference in the country.

In 2002 Mr. Hughes was elected to the Presidency of the Guyana Bar Association and in that capacity was instrumental in convening the Social Partners Initiative which comprised the Guyana Bar Association, the Private Sector Commission, and the Trades Union Congress. This initiative was established after the traditional means of engagement between the two major political parties had become significantly challenged and the country embarked on a period of increased social degradation.

Also, in his capacity as President of the Guyana Bar Association Mr. Hughes established a special committee of the Guyana Bar Association to assist the Chief Justice in the reduction of backlog of cases. The committees successfully reviewed and advised the Honourable Chief Justice on the status of at least two thousand cases which semenax side attects were subsequently brought up for consideration and disposed of by Judges of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature.

During the year 2003 Mr. Hughes was invited by the Chancellor of the Judiciary to sit on the Rules Committee which was established to examine the proposed new rules of the High Court of the Supreme Court.

In 2003 Mr. Hughes was invited to sit and did sit upon a Criminal law Review Committee headed by Senior Counsel Rex Mc kay. The Committee was tasked with the responsibility of reviewing the criminal law and procedures in Guyana. The Committee concluded its deliberations in 2004 and submitted its report to the Honourable Chancellor.

Mr. Hughes was retained by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) as a consultant on civil society in 2003. In this capacity he developed the Civil Society action plan for the Bank’s Civil Society Advisory Board. Mr. Hughes has attended an IADB meeting on Civil Society participation in Government in Peru.

In 2004 Mr. Hughes was lead Counsel in commercial litigation for an independent cellular operator which heralded the removal of the monopoly in cellular telecommunications in Guyana. Mr. Hughes thereafter participated in and was an integral part of the negotiations for the sale of the independent cellular company to Digicel.

In 2005 Mr. Hughes was meşru advisor to the successful bidder in one of the Caribbean’s largest mergers and acquisitions. The takeover and acquisition of COURTS ( UK) Ltd in the Caribbean.

In 2006 Mr. Hughes was a member of the Chief Justice’s select Committee which was tasked with the responsibility of establishing new rules for the Commercial Court. The Rules are now an integral part of the new Commercial Court.

In 2006 Mr. Hughes was the lead counsel in the first successfully litigated criminal appeal in the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). (Vaughn Thomas v The State).

In 2007 Mr. Hughes was appointed a lecturer for the University of the West Indies Executive Master’s in Business Administration Programme. He has lectured in Belize, Tortola, and Guyana as part of the post graduate programme.

Mr. Hughes is a member of the International Bar Association, International Trademark Association, State Capital Küresel Law firm Group and the World Services Group.

Mr. Hughes is a member of the Board of Governors of St Stanislaus College in Georgetown, Guyana, and the Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity Guyana Inc.

Organizations, Memberships & Affiliations

Criminal law Review Committee

Rules Committee

Presidency of the Guyana Bar Association

Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

University of the West Indies Executive Master’s in Business Administration Programme

International Bar Association

International Trademark Association

State Capital Küresel Law firm Group.

World Services Group

Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity Guyana Inc.

Dear reader and AFC voter, from your perusal of the above details, hope you will arrive at the decision to support Clarence Anthony Nigel Hughes Esq., to be the next elected Leader of the AFC, who will follow and build on the legacies from the 3 Founders in 2005, the late Sheila Holder, Raphael Trotman Esq., and Khemraj Ramjattan, Esq.

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