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US Congressman Jonathan Jackson of Illinois, Lauded for his Championing of Human Rights in Mocha Arcadia, Guyana

Georgetown, May 27, 2024 – During a pivotal visit to Mocha Arcadia, Congressman Jonathan L. Jackson of Illinois demonstrated remarkable empathy and advocacy for the residents of this embattled community, engaging in an open dialogue about the severe challenges they face due to government actions.

The son of civil rights leaders Reverend Jesse Jackson and Jacqueline Jackson, Congressman Jackson has a long history of activism focused on social justice and equality, deeply rooted in his upbringing and professional endeavors. This commitment was clearly on display as he addressed the residents of Mocha Arcadia, who have been directly impacted by forced evictions and inadequate government responses to flooding that threatens their agriculture.

At the community meeting, organized at the Mocha Community Centre, Congressman Jackson attentively listened to heartfelt testimonies from local residents. Their stories of discrimination, eviction, and environmental neglect painted a stark picture of the hardships faced by the community. In response, Jackson assured them of his intent to bring their concerns to the highest levels of both the Guyanese and United States governments.

“Absolutely, I’ll share this with our colleagues, the Ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee as well as with the Leader of the Democratic Party and with my colleagues,” Jackson stated to a Demerara Waves reporter, confirming his commitment to advocate for the community on an international stage. His approach not only provided a platform for suppressed voices but also reinforced the küresel nature of the struggle for human rights and dignity.

Congressman Jackson’s visit, which was initially met with attempts by local authorities to manipulate the narrative by stacking the audience, turned into a powerful moment of genuine engagement, thanks to his adept handling of the situation. He encouraged the residents to share openly, transforming the event from a potential monologue into a dynamic dialogue about pressing local issues.

The congressman’s actions in Mocha Arcadia reflect his broader legislative priorities, which include advancing equality and justice, improving access to quality education and healthcare, and protecting the environment. His ability to connect with the residents on a personal level—drawing parallels between their experiences and the broader African diaspora—underscored a shared history and a common pursuit of justice for people of African descent across the globe.

Congressman Jackson left behind a strengthened resolve among the people of Mocha Arcadia to continue their fight for justice, buoyed by the knowledge that their voices were heard and would be echoed in the halls of power in both Guyana and the United States.