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Large Numbers of Lindeners Boycott Flag-Raising Celebration Amid Exclusion Controversy

Linden, Guyana – The annual flag-raising ceremony, a significant national event, was overshadowed by controversy last night as Linden residents largely abandoned the celebration held at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground. The event, which was meant to unite the community, instead highlighted deep political divides after the opposition party alleged exclusion from the planning process.

PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton was vocal about the issue, criticizing the government for excluding Region Ten’s regional officials from the planning of the ceremony. “This stands in stark contrast to the inclusion observed in Regions Two and Nine, governed by the PPP/C, where local officials were fully engaged in their celebrations,” Norton stated.

Jermaine Figueira, an opposition Member of Parliament, echoed Norton’s sentiments in a letter to the press. He described the exclusion of local and regional elected leadership from the planning as more than a mere oversight, labeling it a “deliberate disregard for the voices of those who represent the very community in which this event is being held.” Figueira further alleged that the government failed to extend timely invitations to all councillors from the Town Council and Regional Democratic Council, exemplifying what he called the government’s exclusionary practices.

The repercussions of this perceived slight were evident as many Lindeners chose to boycott the ceremony. In stark contrast to the local absence, hundreds of outsiders were reportedly bused in to attend, leading to a purportedly underwhelming event that failed to capture the community spirit.

The decision to hold the flag-raising in Linden, an opposition stronghold where the PPP/C made no significant gains in the last local government elections, seemed designed to showcase the government’s reach but seemingly backfired due to the exclusion of local voices.

As the flag was raised over the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground, the small number of attendees spoke volumes about the community’s sentiments. The opposition’s boycott was a timely reminder of the deep-seated political rifts that continue to challenge national unity in Guyana.