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Ellisa Jonas: The Teacher and Humanitarian Impacting Lives of Many

In a world where the pursuit of personal success often overshadows communal growth, some rare individuals shine as beacons of altruism and leadership. One such individual is 25-year-old Ellisa Jonas a high school teacher who has dedicated her life to educating young minds and empowering communities through her involvement with Rotaract.

Ellisa Jonas spent her childhood in the serene neighborhood of Bermine Housing Scheme, Region 6, East Berbice Corentyne. She grew up in a single-parent household where her mother selflessly provided for her and her younger siblings until they could support themselves.

Ellisa Jonas

Ellisa’s educational journey started at the Little Bethlehem Play School. It continued through Savannah Park Nursery School, St. Theresa’s Primary School, and then, the Berbice Educational Institute, where I proudly graduated as the valedictorian in 2015.

After completing high school, her passion for teaching continued to intensify. However, she encountered a setback due to not meeting the age requirement for college admission by just one year. As a result, she utilized this time by enrolling in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) at New Amsterdam Secondary School, which for Ellisa, felt like the longest “one year” ever.

In 2016, she finally embarked on her journey to become a teacher by enrolling at the Cyril Potter College of Education(CPCE), where she pursued an Associate Degree in Education, majoring in Information Technology, and successfully graduated in 2018.

Subsequently, she furthered her education at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute, undertaking a Diploma in Computer Science from 2019 to 2021. At present, she is a final-year student at the University of Guyana, working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with a focus on Business Administration.

“I considered various career paths before deciding to become a teacher. There were a couple of key influences that led me to this decision. Firstly, I was inspired by the exceptional teachers I had in the past who were not only dedicated but also treated me kindly. Secondly, my mother’s passion for teaching left a deep impression on me. Witnessing her dedication to her students, her guidance and the respect she earned from her students and colleagues truly motivated me to pursue this noble profession,” Ellisa told this publication.

Ellisa at a Rotaract event

Further, she added: “As it relates to Rotaract, helping those in need has always been a personal goal of mine. I have longed to be part of an organization whose values and objectives align with my own, and that’s when I discovered Rotaract. I hold Rotaract close to my heart. It has been an incredible five-year journey since I became a member of the Rotaract Club of New Amsterdam, and I have never looked back. Over the years, I have taken on various roles such as Secretary, Vice President, and Public Relations Officer, and I am excited to soon step into the role of President for the new Rotary year 2024/2025. Rotaract has been an invaluable learning experience, challenging me to step out of my comfort zone, make new connections, contribute to my community, engage in humanitarian efforts, and grow both personally and professionally.”

Ellisa at various Rotaract events

For Ellisa, teaching is a beautiful career and her journey is bitter-sweet. As an educator, she finds great joy in meaningful interactions with her students. It is also fulfilling to witness her students’ academic progress and to offer support to those facing challenges, be it academic or personal. Additionally, she is grateful for the kind gestures shown by some students, such as thoughtful check-ins and surprise birthday classroom celebrations.

I struggle with two common challenges that many young people face: procrastination and time management or creating a balance of life. During my school days, the headteacher then would often remind us that “procrastination is the thief of time.” Even now, I still repeat this to myself as a way to motivate and push myself to complete tasks promptly. When it comes to my studies, activities, or assignments, I make an effort to work on them as soon as possible. Moreover, I deeply admire individuals who can effectively manage their time and balance various aspects of their lives such as studies, work, family, and social life. I have come to realize that I may not be able to participate in all the activities I want to, especially because I want to focus on my studies and maintain a healthy state of mind,” she mentioned.

To maintain a healthy state of mind, she revisits all her commitments and prioritizes what she considers to be truly important. “I have scaled back on some of my usual activities to avoid becoming overly exhausted. This has allowed me to effectively manage my time, enabling me to study, work, and still have a social life. Sometimes, we need to step back from certain activities, as much as we may want to do it all and prioritize,” she noted.

Ellisa aspires to become a professor in the future. “I have already embarked on this journey, and although I have a long way to go, I understand the importance of patience and self-compassion. I am dedicated to working hard, staying optimistic, praying, and persevering until I achieve my goal,” she stated.

“To the young people, I want to emphasize the importance of persevering in the face of any challenges. It is not going to be easy, and there will be days when you feel unmotivated and tired. Despite this, it is crucial to remind yourself that you aspire to be in a better place than where you are now. Use this aspiration as your motivation to push yourself and keep working towards your goals. When you are feeling discouraged, remember, that “difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations”. Also, stay prayed up!,” is Ellisa’s advice to youths. As she continues to inspire and lead, Jonas remains a shining example of how dedication, passion, and a heart for service can transform not just classrooms, but entire communities.