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“Why in God’s name with a $1.146 Trillion Budget our people are hungry?”- MP Singh-Lewis

In a passionate presentation to the online audience and attendees at the Town hall meeting, Woodbine Ballroom in Brooklyn New York, on May 10, 2024. A Partnership of National Unity Member of Parliament (MP) Natasha Singh-Lewis laid bare the anguish, pain, hunger and deprivation of families in the world’s fastest growing economy. Rhetorically she asked, “why in God’s name with a $1.146 Trillion Budget our people are hungry?”

Guyana has the world’s highest GDP per capita. In 2024 Guyana is expected to earn approximately US$2.8 billion in oil revenue an increase from the $1.62 billion received in 2023. The 2024 National Budget is $1.146 Trillion, which is bigger than all the budgets combined in the nation’s history.

The Shadow Minister of Human Services and Social Security recounted to a captive audience the stories of families living in poverty and cannot afford three meals a day. According to her some of parents are forced to provide that single meal at evening “so their children won’t go to bed hungry.”

A recent World Bank Report said at 49 percent of the population is poor and 48 percent live on less than US$5.50 per day.

The MP also spoke about the pervasive fear of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP) wrath. She said during the Opposition’s walkabout in communities they hear stories from supporters who are afraid to publicly identify with the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) or Opposition for fear of victimization. She recounted instances of disparity in treatment of citizens where money (cash grants, etc) is not allocated based on financial needs but party affiliation.

The part of the audience at the Brooklyn Town hall meeting, May 10, 2024

The shadow minister told the audience the PPP is wreaking havoc in the lives of people. She cited the Natural Resource Fund that was established by the A Partnership of National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government, which was intended to ensure prudent management and equitable distribution of the oil and gas resources. The MP said Government is using it 33-seats (1 seat majority) to overturn decisions made by the coalition government. She also mentioned the total politicisation of the society, making known that every state board is controlled 100 percent by the PPP/C.

“We don’t have a voice, installed as they are they have the majority, and folks we have to find creative ways to tell the PPP enough is enough!”

Appealing to the diaspora for support to confront the challenges in Guyana, she addressed the issue of unity and called on the diaspora “not to let the PPP divide us.” According to her when they divide us they weaken our families, when they divide your leaders they weaken the need to focus on equal distribution of the wealth.

The MP ridiculed the PPP/C’s pretense at unity by giving persons a box of food and $5000, taking photographs and sending to the United Nations saying, “look we’re living in unity.” Singh-Lewis said unity is about factors that include good living conditions, safety and security for all people. “If our people are not safe and secure, they will hunt your community because they need to eat, they need to go to school; and I am a parent, and I know what I will do to take deva of my children.”

Section of the audience at the Town Hall, Woodbine Ballroom, Brooklyn NY on May 10, 2024

Turning again to the audience the parliamentarian asked whether the PNCR is doing enough for the people and holding the government accountable to the policies that supposed to take deva of the people. To responses that the party is not, she said it is important to think about what persons are doing to play a role in changing this.

Singh-Lewis cited parliamentary colleague Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde- who shared the head table with her- as one such person fighting to hold the government accountable. The MP reference Forde’s presentation on Labour Day to the workers at the Rally, where he called on them to take action to ensure government hisse livable wages/salary and provide better working conditions.

Ending on a very emotive appeal Singh-Lewis told the audience ‘things ent regulah, folks; things ent regulah” and rhetorically asked end on the note “Are we doing enough for our people?

Singh-Lewis, along with Forde and former Mayor Pt. Ubraj Narine were on an outreach in the United States during April 27- May 10. Forde has signalled his intent to run for the position of Leader of the PNCR. The Party’s election is scheduled for June 28-30, 2024.