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Opposition says PPP/C reveals true colours at its Congress, questions election of disgraced Dharamlall

The A Partnership of National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) in a scathing statement claimed the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) just concluded Congress revealed the party is anti-inclusive and not in step with contemporary times. The Party’s 32nd Congress was held from May 3 to May 5, 2024 after an absence of more than six years.

According to the parliamentary opposition, the Congress thoroughly besmirched the rosy image the PPP/C eagerly attempted to paint and proves it has no interest in meaningful change or ıslahat.

“Whereas, the President crows about protecting women with his useless Men on a Mission project, his party has chosen to elevate multiple rape and sexual assault accused Nigel Dharamlall to not only the Central Committee, but the governing Executive Committee.”

Last Friday Dharamlall became embroiled in another allegation of sexual assault and cyber bullying. The complaints were made by Sarah Hakh at a press conference, where listeners were taken through vivid descriptions of what allegedly transpired. The Police has since said the alleged victim made a report to the Cove and John Police Station and the matter is under investigation.

A senior police officer told this publication if the public does not agitate for Dharamlall to be charged the politicians and Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) will find reasons not to have the matter brought before the court.

Touching on the issue of diversity the APNU+AFC said the PPP/C has evvel again demonstrated it sees Afro-Guyanese as nothing more than tokens, noting only two (2) Afro Guyanese are in its 35 member Central Executive Committee.

Reviewing the Afro Guyanese executive members relative to national population, the Opposition highlighted even if the two were “inclined to advocating for the rights of Afro Guyanese, which we doubt, would be nowhere near enough to represent the over 30% of Guyana’s population that is of African descent.” Similarly, the Opposition stated, the five (5) Afro-Guyanese ministers passed over for election indicates they have no real power or influence.

Stepping up its criticism the coalition said if this weren’t bad enough, what kind of a signal is the governing party sending young Guyanese when its Executive Committee consists of almost exactly the same personnel as after the last party congress all the way back in 2017.

According to the Opposition it appears that virtually the only way for a young people to break into that party’s leadership is through the death of a senior member. “This contrasts with the (People’s National Congress Reform) PNCR, which has a young chairman, vice-chairman, economic adviser and a long list of Central Executive Committee members and MPs who are under the age of 40.”

The PPP/C preaches inclusivity, respect for women and youth engagement day in and day out but evidence suggests this is a lie, the APNU+AFC said.

Evidently peeved that the disgraced former minister could have been elected by the party after allegation of rape and sodomy of a teenager last year, the coalition said the PPP/C “had every opportunity to remove Dharamlall from their ranks, but they have elevated him.

“They had every opportunity to empower Afro-Guyanese ministers and party members, but they have undermined them.

They had every opportunity to encourage and uplift young people but the same old faces have returned.”

The Opposition said voters see the PPP/C for what it is and cannot wait to remove them from office come 2025.