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CXC Delegation in Guyana to conduct the NGSA Marking Process

Dr. Nicole Manning from the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) on Friday paid a courtesy visit to the office of Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand. Present at the meeting were Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussain along with Assistant Chief Education Officer and Superintendent of Exams and Local Registrar Sauda Kadir.

Dr. Manning and a CXC team are presently in Guyana to assess and mark the Paper Two sections of the National Grade Six Assessment 2024 examination papers. The multiple-choice answer sheets are undergoing evaluation and marking in Barbados.

This year, approximately 15,300 Grade Six students from across Guyana participated in the NGSA. This is a placement exam which will determine their placement in secondary schools throughout the country.

The CXC team will be in Guyana for a few months until the entire marking process, including the review period, is completed.