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PPP’s Mockery of Teachers’ Struggle was a Disgraceful Display of Insensitivity

The recent actions of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) at their congress have evvel again underscored their utter disregard for the plight of Guyana’s teachers. In a shocking display of insensitivity, PPP delegates, including government ministers, saw fit to ridicule the very real struggle of educators for fair wages and acceptable working conditions.

At a time when the nation stands on the brink of another potential teacher’s strike, the PPP’s decision to produce a skit mocking teachers is nothing short of disgraceful. This insensitive portrayal not only belittles the legitimate concerns of educators but also demonstrates a profound lack of empathy and understanding of the challenges they face daily.

The response from the opposition APNU+AFC encapsulates the sentiments of many Guyanese who were appalled by the PPP’s actions. Describing the skit as “insensitive, crass, and callous,” the APNU+AFC rightly condemned the PPP for its blatant disregard for the struggles of teachers. The opposition’s assertion that the PPP is “anti-workers (teachers), uncaring, and out of touch” rings true in light of this appalling incident.

Moreover, the APNU+AFC’s observation that the PPP’s actions reflect a broader pattern of targeting anyone who challenges the government’s incompetence and corruption is a damning indictment of the ruling party’s tactics. By resorting to ridicule and mockery, the PPP not only undermines the credibility of the teaching profession but also reveals its own bankruptcy of ideas and respect for democratic norms.

The fact that this mockery occurred within the confines of the PPP’s highest decision-making forum speaks volumes about the party’s priorities. Instead of offering substantive solutions to address the concerns of teachers and improve the education system, the PPP chose to engage in a tasteless comedy show that offered nothing of value to the Guyanese people.

In contrast, the APNU+AFC reaffirmed its unwavering support for teachers and commitment to addressing their grievances through genuine dialogue and collective bargaining. By promising higher salaries and better working conditions, the opposition coalition demonstrates a clear understanding of the importance of investing in education and valuing the contributions of teachers to nation-building.

The PPP’s mockery of the teachers’ struggle is a display of crassness, tone-deafness and a timely reminder of the party’s failure to prioritize the interests of the people it claims to represent. Guyanese teachers deserve respect, not ridicule, and it is incumbent upon the PPP to apologize for its insensitive actions and commit to meaningful engagement with educators to address their concerns.