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IDPADA-G says APAD is a ruse

Dear Editor,

I refer to the Guyana Times news article headlined IDPADA-G’s operations are political, do not support development of Afro-Guyanese – Walrond which appeared in your publication on the 24th instant and also to an April 26th letter to the editor, unfortunately entitled Let us move forward in constructive dialogue, free from the shackles of misinformation and submitted by APAD, Association of People of African Descent.

Readers should note that in the April 24th news article Minister Walrond quite openly explained that

In 2023, THE GOVERNMENT LAUNCHED THE ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT (APAD) (emphasis mine) to foster unity among Afro-Guyanese communities, drive positive social change, and empower all members to actively participate in shaping Guyana’s future.”

APAD is a ruse. Government should follow its own counsel. Step out from behind the thinly veiled disguise of a sham organization and let us proceed “free from misinformation”!

Yours truly,