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‘Teachers, Children and Parents, Your Efforts Are Commendable’- Forde

Message from Roysdale Forde, S.C M.P to our children, parents and teachers, on the occasion of Guyanese children writing the Grade 6 Assessment, on Thursday, May 2, 2024, Guyana.

As Guyanese children write the Grade 6 assessment, I want to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt best wishes to all of them. And to the parents and teachers who did their best to prepare them for this important in the journey of their education.

To our bright young minds please know that you have already made us immensely proud though your dedication, hard work, and perseverance.

Today, as you enter your schools to write that examination, remember that your efforts, regardless of the outcome, are commendable and admirable. You will understand that the journey of education is filled with its challenges. But what truly matters is the commitment you have demonstrated in the face of difficult circumstances. No matter what the results may be, you must know that you have our unwavering support and admiration. Your growth, development and well- being are of paramount importance to us, and we are confident that you will continue to shine brightly in all your endeavours.

To all of our parents, especially single parents, who gave their all to push their children forward to achieve greatness in life. I say, well done. I am aware of your struggles, pain and hardship in an economy that does not fairly reward your efforts. Yet, many of you are determined to give your children a good education; it the path out of poverty.

To our loyal, dedicated and our hard- working teachers, who toiled in a very harsh work environment with unfair remuneration packages, thank you! Teachers you know that you play a critical role in shaping those young minds. In the face of all the difficulties and adversities you have done a remarkable job. Thanks! We look forward to better days, with a government that not only recognise your importance but facilitates remuneration packages, including continuous training that keeps you on the cutting edge of your profession, that are fair and just through collective bargaining. We hope, we pray, we know that that time is near.