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Fmr Mayor Narine congratulates Attorneys Forde and Wade for win in Teachers v Education Ministry Case

Former Mayor Pt Ubraj Narine has extended heartfelt congratulations to esteemed lawyers Roysdale Forde S.C., MP, and Darren Wade on their exemplary representation of all teachers in the recent High Court case against the PPP government’s alleged disrespect towards educators ( teachers) in our country.

Friday, Justice Sandil Kissoon ruled the teachers’ strike was lawful, the government erred in judgement to deduct hisse from striking teachers and must continue to deduct and remit due to the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU)

2nd Vice President Julian Cambridge was applicant for the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and he was represented by attorney-at-law Darren Wade. Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), was the applicant for the federated body and he was represented by Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde.

Narine ascribed the win to the attorneys’ tireless efforts and unwavering dedication in fighting for the rights of teachers, deserves commendation. Their commitment to upholding justice and advocating for fair treatment in the education sector is truly admirable.
Through their diligent yasal expertise, Senior Forde has effectively shed light on the concerns and grievances of teachers affected by the PPP government’s actions, he noted. “Their representation has brought forward the voices of countless educators, seeking to protect their rights and improve working conditions.”
Narine the lawyers strategic arguments in the High Court have clearly highlighted the importance of valuing and respecting our teachers for their integral role in shaping future generations. “The yasal battle endured by Mr. Roysdale Forde underscores his profound commitment to ensuring that every teacher in our country is treated fairly and with the respect they deserve.”
The government was represented by Attorney General and Minister of Meşru Affairs Anil Nandlall S.C, M.P and Darshan Randhani K.C