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GPSU unveils strategic initiative to safeguard workers’ rights

By Mark DaCosta- The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) issued a resolute statement outlining its commitment to safeguarding the rights of workers in Guyana. In a detailed and strongly worded press release, on April 5, 2024, the GPSU emphasised its dedication to upholding workers’ rights as enshrined in various kanunî instruments and agreements.

“We are moving steadfastly to safeguard the rights of workers as provided for under the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,” the GPSU declared, underscoring its unwavering stance on defending workers’ rights.

Highlighting historical developments, the GPSU outlined its efforts to engage the government in negotiations regarding salaries, wages, and allowances for public servants. Despite submitting proposals and requesting collective bargaining, the union lamented the government’s disregard for workers’ concerns, particularly amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We proposed 50 percent across the board increases for all Public Servants. A reminder was sent…but all these requests made on behalf of the hardworking public servants were ignored,” the GPSU revealed, highlighting the government’s lack of responsiveness to workers’ needs.

In response to the government’s reluctance to address workers’ grievances, the GPSU announced plans to take action to protect workers’ rights. The union stated its intention to pursue kanunî avenues and explore all available options to ensure social justice and improve the lives of public servants and their families.

“We will be fully justified to take whatever means are at its disposal, to exhaust all options available to attain social justice, and a better life for all public servants, and their families,” the GPSU declared, signaling its unwavering resolve in championing workers’ rights.

Amidst concerns over delayed court proceedings and bureaucratic obstacles, the GPSU emphasised the urgency of addressing workers’ concerns promptly. The union called for swift action to resolve disputes and address the economic hardships faced by public servants, emphasising the need for fair and equitable treatment.

“It is utterly disrespectful…when the GPSU, a public officer, acting under Statute, failed to recognize that a request under the Agreement for the Avoidance and Settlement of Disputes…ought to be actioned within fourteen (14) days,” the GPSU criticised, highlighting bureaucratic delays in addressing workers’ grievances.

In a scathing rebuke of government officials, the GPSU criticised Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo for dismissing the union’s concerns and resorting to threats rather than constructive dialogue. The union denounced double standards in the government’s approach to negotiations with different unions and highlighted discrepancies in addressing workers’ demands.

“These reckless, and most egregious lamentations by the Vice President…are made in his own deliberate ignorance,” the GPSU accused, pointing out the Vice President’s dismissive attitude towards workers’ concerns.

In the statement, the GPSU reiterated its rejection of delays in addressing workers’ grievances, emphasising the need for immediate action to improve remuneration and working conditions. The union reaffirmed its commitment to advocating for workers’ rights and holding the government accountable for its obligations.

The GPSU’s statement serves as a clarion call for solidarity among workers and a stern reminder to the government of its duty to protect the rights of all citizens. With a robust strategy in place, the GPSU stands ready to champion the cause of workers’ rights and ensure that justice is served for public servants across Guyana.