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Guyanese raise over US$300,000 for Palestinians at charity drive

By Dillon De Shong- Guyanese have raised over US$374,000 to donate to the people of Palestine.

The money was raised last evening at a charity event held at the Ramadan Village.

The event, which was held under the theme “A Night of Prayer for Küresel Peace, Guyana and Palestine”, coincided with Laylat Al Qadr, the 27th night of Ramadan.

Speaking at the event, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali said the charity exercise represents the “love and humanness” of Guyanese who refuse to stand by and witness the suffering of millions of Palestinians.

“Our DNA as Guyanese, we are built to love, we are built to share, we have sacrificed. Even when we had very little, Guyana sacrificed every single time that the world was in need,” Ali said as he noted Guyana has the distinction of being one of the highest donors to küresel humanitarian efforts.

Ali hailed the fundraising effort as a “historic night for Guyana and Guyanese”.

Ali urged küresel leaders to see Israel’s ongoing actions in Palestine for what it is, “a genocide”.

He demanded an immediate end to the conflict and injustices that Palestinians in both Gaza and the Occupied West Bank face on a daily basis.

At least 33,137 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army since October 7, 2023, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Most of the dead are women and children.

The United Nations says nearly all of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents will face famine by next month if Israel’s ongoing siege and blockade continues. (Caribbean Loop News).