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Bharrat Jagdeo: Mad Before Destruction

It was the Greeks, who in their incomparable wisdom, coined the phrase, “those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.” In which, the meaning underscores, not a psychiatric malady, but rather, when the Gods destined to demean one, they first remove their sense of rationality or sound reasoning. Where the madness, for want of a better terminology, makes one so headstrong that everything is questioned, including that which could lead to their own salvation. In fact, history is replete with a multitude, e.g. Hitler and Napoleon, who were with great pomposity, only to be reduced to irrationality, preceding their ultimate political destruction.

Thus, it’s with this phraseology, madness preceding destruction, we examine to rationalise, Gail Teixeira’s excursion at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR). Since the admission must be ours, but more so PPP, that Gail Teixeira was given the most impossible of task, in defending a gang of Ali Baba thieves, at this most revered of international institution. For it’s without doubt, the installed PPP, the epitome of a kleptocracy, is the most corrupt Government, in the English-speaking Caribbean.

We are informed by Transparency International, the PPP kleptocracy registers 40, in the Corruption Perception Index, with Guyana ranking a lowly 87 out of 180 countries. In fact, this represents the second consecutive year, the PPP kleptocracy scored 40, ensuring that this beloved country of ours, is forever tarred with being the most corrupt in the English-speaking Caribbean, for two successive years.

And it’s in this context, we further examine to rationalise, Gail Teixeira’s impossible assignment, at the UNCHR. For this assignment proved no more impossible, than with the interrogation faced, on the lack of an investigation, into Bharrat Jagdeo’s corruption allegations. Where her response, evidencing a grand coverup, was one that no police report was made, so no investigation was mandated. But the populace found her garbage response most astounding, considering the VICE News evidentiary recordings, along with the gravity of the allegations. In fact, no one would deny, under this PPP kleptocracy, our country’s image and economy, has been severely injured by the scourge of corruption.

Thus, it’s for these reasons, among many others registered, that the PPP kleptocracy should’ve investigated these damning Bharrat Jagdeo allegations. As a matter of fact, guided by international best practice, a minister incriminated in a dishonourable enterprise, not even criminal as Jagdeo is accuse, is mandated to undergo an independent investigation. Moreover, should this independent investigation unearth criminality, as with Bharat Jagdeo, the police are engaged to undertake a thorough independent investigation. Therefore, this asinine excuse from Gail Teixeira, isn’t so much of the Gods making mad before destruction, but rather, it’s a desperate attempt at a political coverup, in the most naked of ways.

Mark’s Take

But even as Gail Teixeira’s statements at the UNCHR, represent nothing short of a desperate coverup, there is one amongst us, who holds a most irrational view. For the UNCHR, a reputable international institution, wouldn’t make vacuous inquiries, that aren’t cross-checked, through multiple credible sources. Moreover, the UNCHR, having undertaken this detailed process of cross-checking and corroboration, are likely to interrogate to the highest searching standards.

However, despite corroboration from multiple sources, establishing the credibility of their processes, Bharat Jagdeo, burdened with overwhelming paranoia, asserted that the UNCHR was influenced by individuals and organisations, with an anti-PPP agenda. Then having unwittingly made known his paranoia, Bharat Jagdeo in a state of grandiose delusion, demanded to know in the spirit of transparency, the names of the individuals and organisations, that made representations at the UNCHR.

But Bharrat Jagdeo, a 12-year President and now a 4-year installed Vice President, was the most non-transparent and dictatorial leader, this country has ever had. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t even recognise the word transparent, if it were to slap him in the face, under the most luminous of light. Thus, recognising Bharrat Jagdeo’s conspicuous irrationality, evidenced by paranoia and grandiose delusions, the inquiry has to be made, have the Gods made the corrupt one mad, before his inevitable destruction?

For how else could one explain such levels of unbridled irrationality, intoxicating paranoia and grandiose delusions? In fact, they stand all as inexplicables, considering Bharat Jagdeo has been in the political sphere, counting nearly thirty corrupt years. And registering nearly 30yrs in the political sphere, one would’ve anticipated his awareness, that these international institutions are never influenced, or become creatures of partisan political agendas. But it’s from these symptomatic inexplicables, that we now rationalise, if not realised, the Gods have rendered Bharrat Jagdeo mad, before his inevitable destruction in 2025.