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Former Political Prisoner Mark Benschop Slams Jagdeo’s Transparency Demand

Former political prisoner Mark A. Benschop has penned a scathing letter to the UN Human Rights Committee, condemning Bharat Jagdeo’s demand for the disclosure of informant names following recent public hearings on Guyana’s conditions. Benschop, a vocal critic of Jagdeo’s administration, highlighted the irony of Jagdeo citing transparency while his regime lacks it.

The United Nations Committee on Human Rights conducted hearings over three days, during which Jagdeo’s government faced rigorous questioning. However, Jagdeo’s call for informant names’ revelation has stirred controversy, particularly given his alleged connections to criminal activities, including killings, bribery, and theft.

Benschop pointed out the troubling implications of Jagdeo’s demand, especially considering the persecution faced by opponents of his regime. Many have been victims of violence, job discrimination, and business targeting due to their objections to Jagdeo’s policies.

Benschop’s letter underscores the crucial role played by the international community in exposing political and economic injustices in Guyana. Benschop warned that revealing the names of informants would undermine the committee’s efforts and jeopardize the pursuit of solutions to Guyana’s governance issues.

Benschop stated that his letter should remind Guyanese of the challenges many citizens had to endure under Jagdeo’s presidency and of the importance of protecting those who speak out against injustice today, his plea for accountability and transparency resonates as a call for justice and ıslahat.