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GTUC stands with teachers, calls on society to remain vigilant

“This move by Government on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 not to respect the Agreement to engage with a view to resolving the dispute; not to respect teachers; the Court that facilitated the process is a demonstration of Government’s continued high handedness, disrespect and ill-will towards teachers, our nation’s working poor.” So said the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) in a statement issued Wednesday, and reiterated the federated body continues to stand with the teachers, children, families and all affected by the teachers’ strike.

On Monday 4th March the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and Government, in the High Court, signed an Agreement to begin discussions on matters which either Party considers relevant for discussion, inclusive of financial matters. Having held its first meeting on Thursday 7th March at the second meeting on Tuesday 12th March the government baulked and walked away from beginning the process of collective bargaining, a constitutional right for unionised workers. The court-ordered Agreement paused the teachers’ 29-day strike for the respect of collective bargaining.

Flaying the Government for walking away from the discussion GTUC said the attitude portrays disregard for our nation’s children, particularly those who are dependent on the public education system. To this end the federated body is calling on “workers, trade union leaders, religious organisations, civil society, including the supporters and apologists for this government, to open their eyes and see clearly neither they nor their children are safe from the ravages of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) as the party continues to mismanage in office and abuse the privileged opportunity granted to govern this oil rich nation.”

Over the years the PPP government has shown open disregard for the teachers as evidenced by its refusal to engage the Union since August 2020 on its proposal for better wages/salaries and working conditions. Instead, Government has stolen some ideas from the teachers’ proposal and implemented them on a piecemeal and discriminatory manner.

When the teachers proceeded on strike on 5th February, the Government rather than engaged waged a public relations battle to insult and denigrate the teachers. President Irfaan Ali in his aspersions lambasted teachers for not having “a conscience” and said his administration will not be bullied.

GTUC said “at this time, whereas there is disgust with Government’s dishonest attitude towards such a large and diverse group of citizens, children and our wider community in terms of its impact, there is further concern that Government has a wider more nefarious agenda that is unfolding gradually.”

Calling on society to be vigilant in light of Government’s behaviour, GTUC put the Government on notice that failing to return to the table in good faith with the teachers will result in mobilisation and action as seen fit in keeping with rights and the rule of law.

The Teachers Union on Tuesday, when talks broke down, said it is mulling returning to the court and taking strike action and will not tolerate being bullied by the Government.

Meanwhile as the Government refuses to engage unions like the GTU, the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union (GB&GWU) it openly flaunts and makes known its engagement with politically-aligned unions like the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE).