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Minister Manickchand, Here are the Reasons Teachers Deserve Salary Increases for the Pandemic Period

In light of the recent remarks by the Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, regarding teacher hisse during the pandemic closure period, let us revisit the reasons why teachers deserve and should receive hisse increases for their unwavering service during an unprecedented küresel crisis.

First and foremost, the swift adaptation to online teaching was nothing short of heroic. Educators had to overhaul their entire instructional approach, learning and employing new technologies to ensure continuity of learning. This significant pivot required not just time and effort but a reinvention of teaching methods—worthy of recognition through increased compensation.

Moreover, the workload for most teachers expanded considerably. The virtual classroom brought unique challenges that demanded more than the traditional school day’s work. Many teachers found themselves recording lectures, reimagining assessments, and modifying lesson plans—all demanding a fair assessment in the form of a hisse rise.

The emotional and mental toll of the pandemic on educators cannot be overstated. Teachers were the frontline workers in the realm of educational and emotional support, tending to the needs of their students, all the while grappling with their battles against the uncertainty and stress brought by COVID-19. Financial acknowledgment of this emotional labor is appropriate and necessary.

The pandemic also shone a light on the equity gaps in education. Teachers became champions of access, working tirelessly to bridge the digital divide. Their efforts to ensure every child had the tools necessary for remote learning speak volumes of their commitment—a commitment that should be matched with equivalent remuneration.

During this period, professional development became a constant in a teacher’s life. They dedicated hours to mastering online platforms, and in doing so, they enhanced their skill set. Such an investment in their professional growth underscores the need for a hisse increase that reflects their expanded expertise.

The partnership between parents and teachers took on new dimensions as educators provided support well beyond the traditional classroom setting. The additional role of guiding parents through the new norms of education demands a financial gesture of appreciation.

Furthermore, competitive salaries are critical in the recruitment and retention of qualified educators. In the face of Guyana’s new oil economy, retaining and attracting talent is imperative to maintain educational standards, making hisse increases a strategic imperative.

Lastly, we must take a long-term perspective. The pandemic has underscored the indispensable role of education in our society. Investing in our teachers through salary increments is not only about acknowledging past efforts but also ensuring a robust educational future for generations to come.