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A response to Shamshun Mohamed

Dear Editor,

I wish to respond to an article published in Kaieteur News on 12 March, 2024, by Shamshun Mohamed, in which I believe he did not understand the essence of my open letter to President Irfaan Ali.
I must clarify, firstly, I mentioned that the then President, David Granger, started the concept of social cohesion. In my open letter, I acknowledged this fact and highlighted the importance of such initiatives in fostering unity and understanding among diverse groups.
However, my concern lies in the current government’s approach to this concept, which I believe has resulted in a fragmentation of the original efforts started by President Granger. I pointed out that the current government has often renamed and rebranded events that were originally established under the banner of social cohesion.
I never said that “President David Granger started Ramadan Village”
My intention was not to undermine the value of these events but rather to emphasise the importance of maintaining a cohesive and consistent approach to social integration.
I also want to mention the principle of “what goes for one, goes for all” . I believe the same way the President heads the planning committee for certain events, it would be appropriate for him to do the same for others( if he did). This ensures a balance of influence and representation in the decision-making processes, fostering transparency and inclusivity within our society.
I hope this clarifies my position and helps you understand the context of my letter. It is essential for us to engage in open and constructive dialogue so we can continue working towards a society that upholds the principles of social cohesion.
Yours truly,
Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA
Religious Secretary ( Maha Sabha)
Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor
City of Georgetown