The indigenous community of Yupukari is expected to get a new secondary school block, said Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, during her visit to the proposed site on Saturday, November 23.
The new secondary block aims to directly benefit 60 students from Yupukari and nearby communities, including Quatata and Kaicumbay. The initiative will address a long-standing challenge faced by students who currently travel extensive distances or reside in dormitories at St. Ignatius Secondary School to access secondary education. By bringing the school closer to home, the project promises to ease the burden on families and ensure that students can focus on their academic journey without the strain of long commutes.
At the announcement event, Toshao of Yupukari, Russian Dorrick, highlighted the importance of the school for the community, stating it is timely because there are over 170 primary school children in the village.
Manickchand stated that in addition to building the school, Guyana needs to train the teachers who will serve here, likewise ensuring the classrooms are equipped with the necessary furniture, and there is monitoring and evaluation to ensure how effectively students are being taught. “It’s about creating a complete and sustainable system that delivers real results,” the Minister explained.
The project, valued at $22.5 million, has been awarded to contractor Clyve King.
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