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150 Women Entrepreneurs Graduated from Road to Growth Programme

ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc., in partnership with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women and funded by the ExxonMobil Foundation, celebrated the graduation of 150 women entrepreneurs from the Road to Growth programme. The graduation was held Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, in the Atlantic Ballroom at the Pegasus Suites and Corporate Centre.

Since its inception in 2021, the Road to Growth programme has empowered women entrepreneurs in Guyana, providing them with essential business development and financial literacy skills. This year’s cohort marks a significant achievement, reflecting the ongoing commitment to fostering women’s entrepreneurship in the region.

The event was graced by several speakers:

– First Lady Arya Ali addressed the graduates, applauding their resilience and achievements.

– Ms. Leanne Baker, Senior Program Officer for the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, highlighted the impactful collaboration that has driven the program’s success.

– Ms. Allison Rana, Head of the ExxonMobil Foundation, discussed the foundation’s role in supporting women’s entrepreneurship.

– Ms. Maria Niles from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) spoke on the broader economic impact of such initiatives.

– Miss Camille Deokie Gorakh, a graduate of the program, shared her personal success story, emphasizing the benefits of equity financing.

– Mrs. Cherie Blair herself addressed the gathering, reinforcing the importance of women’s economic empowerment.

– H.E Jane Miller, a long-time supporter of the program, concluded with three pieces of crucial advice for the graduates

Throughout the ceremony, personal testimonials from participants highlighted the transformative journey they experienced during the intensive seven-week program. Their stories underscored the program’s effectiveness in developing business acumen, leadership qualities, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit among women.

First Lady, Mrs. Arya Ali, commended the graduates for their dedication and perseverance, emphasizing the crucial role of women in society and pledging her support for gender parity and women’s empowerment initiatives.

Cherie Blair praised the participants for their entrepreneurial endeavours and their impact on local communities.

The event closed with reflections from ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. Directors reiterated their commitment to continuing and expanding the Road to Growth programme’s impact in the country.